Monthly Archives: July 2023


From his 2022 book EXPLAIN THIS!

A man and his wife attend a movie. In the middle of the movie he stabs her to death. At the end of the movie they leave and nobody notices.

Explain this!

A woman walks into a bar and asks for a glass of water. The bartender pulls out a gun, cocks it, and points it at the woman. She says “thank you” and leaves.

Explain this!

If Shorty had reached the sawdust he would have lived.

Explain this!

On the scale of lateral thinking puzzles—also called situation puzzles, the explanation game, or two-minute mysteries—the above represent an easy, average, and complex challenge. Each puzzle can take from several minutes to over an hour to solve.

To play, the host presents a seemingly odd scenario, and the other players ask yes or no questions to figure out the circumstances that led up to it.